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Call: (866) 710-4697
790 Davenport Road, Cumberland, VA 23040


Spirit Sculpture




                                                                               *the little dot on the lower right is a lady bug.


          Little sculptures with Great Spirit. They embody the essence of your horse, both literally and figuratively. And you can even keep these horses in the house next to you. All you need is a bit of main or tail hair and a mailing envelop. You mail me the hair and the completed information sheets below with a check or money order for the amount of the piece or pieces that you want done. Then I will send you your completed Spirit horse.  That's it!



                                                                         Base Price is $65

                                                (call or e-mail for quote)

Quotes are based on materials chosen and any special needs.*Pieces can be done in Sterling Silver wire, 14 Karat Gold filled wire and 14k wire, yellow, rose or white. Please e-mail or call for quotes on precious metal pieces. Sterling silver pieces are done in Argentium silver, an anti-tarnish sterling. Call 866-710-4697 or e-mail


 The story of the first Spirit Sculpture from Olivier Studios 

       Many years ago, on our Virginia farm, my husband and I boarded a retired horse that we had both met in New York City.   I had met this horse before I met his owner and before I met my husband. This wildly colorful appaloosa’s name was Gypsy.  Years later, when it was time for him to retire from trails and travel, his owner thought of us and sent him to live in our green Virginia pastures. Gypsy eventually reached the end of his full, adventurous, well traveled life and he was buried on our farm.  The trouble was that his owner had moved to California and could not visit him here. She was heartbroken. So, I thought and thought about how to send her a little piece of mind.  Then it happened, The idea formed and I fashioned a tiny sculpture from the sparse ‘appaloosa’ tail hair that I had saved and sent the little Gypsy Sculpture to her.  He is with her now, in spirit and in Sculpture and in hand


      I am not sure if she still does this but she used to keep him in a special compartment in her purse so he was ALWAYS with her. Now that's love. And you thought a photo would do...


______________________________Print and Send ___________________________


Spirit Sculpture


YOUR horse!

      Spirit Sculptures are made with hair from your own horses’ mane or tail. You can keep this little horse in the house with you, on your desk at work or anywhere you choose.

        Spirit Sculptures are a whimsical way to remember and memorialize your current horse friends and ones that are no longer with you. If you have a snip of hair that is all you need. A lock of hair about 7 inches long and about ¼ inch thick is just perfect. If what you have is less than that we can talk about possibilities, maybe a smaller slimmer version? Please, be sure that I have your phone number so that we can discuss this when I receive the hair for the sculpture.

        Just a word, to be clear: Spirit sculptures are small sculptures, made with wire and horse hair.  They are small, personal, pieces of art and are not designed to withstand rough handling and are not toys. They may be interesting to, but are not up-to the love of, a small child…..  Please keep both the child and Sculpture safe and separate.      

(The Sculptures range from $65 and up, plus 5 dollars shipping.)

Purchasers’ name:____________________________________


Phone number:_______________________________________




Spirit Sculpture

info sheet


Please include this information so the artist knows a little bit about the horse or pony being sculpted.  A “copy” of a photo of the horse or pony will add even more to the process. However, the HAIR has a great deal to do with the way the sculpture comes out. Your horse’s hair helps to determine the spirit-attitude of his/her sculpture.


Horses’ name:___________________________________

Horses’ breed (or a reasonable guess):_____________________

Short or long main?_______________________________

A description of his/her personality:__________________________________________________________________

 If you wish to, include a “copy” of a photo of your horse or pony to help the artist and the HAIR too create the Spirit Sculpture.(Please send a copy of a photo that you do not need returned.)


Photo info:___________________________________________________________________


Name and address of human we will send the Sculpture to:


(Address we will send the sculpture to..)___________________________________,______________________,_________,_______


kill you.)(Ask first, please.)